10 Ways Counselling Can Help Alleviate Anxiety

Living with anxiety can be overwhelming. The constant worries, fears, and feelings of dread can make even simple tasks seem insurmountable. When we believe every thought that passes through our mind, it is hard not to get caught up. As well, we live in a world where there is a lot to be afraid of. One effective way to manage and mitigate anxiety symptoms is through counselling. We can learn about the reasons why we have anxiety. Here are 10 ways counselling can help alleviate your anxiety:

1. Identifying Triggers

One of the first steps in managing anxiety is identifying what triggers it. In counselling, you can work with a therapist to pinpoint the events, people, or situations that tend to set off your anxiety. This awareness can be the first step toward prevention and management. We must first be aware of when we do what we do to discover why we did what we do. From there, we can start to notice patterns in our lives that lead to anxiety.

2. Learning Coping Strategies

A counsellor can equip you with practical coping mechanisms that can be applied in daily life. Whether it’s through breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, or cognitive strategies, these tools can help you navigate through anxiety-provoking situations. Part of our work is to mitigate and manage the short term symptoms of anxiety while we explore the root causes of anxiety.

3. Identify Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive distortions are patterns of thoughts and closely held beliefs that lead to behaviours that hurt us, such as constant worry. We typically develop these beliefs to survive our childhood. If you grew up in an environment where you learned that the world is a dangerous place and the only way to be safe was to mitigate risks in the future, then anxiety is an intelligent response. Once we see that we are using an intelligent defense system developed in childhood, we can now start to choose differently in our adult life. We start to shift away from “there is something wrong with me”, to “these thought patterns and beliefs no longer serve me.”

4. Emotional Regulation

Counsellors can help you understand the link between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Learning to regulate your emotions can be an empowering step toward managing your anxiety levels effectively. Unprocessed emotions will sit at the back of our minds until we have a quiet moment, when they come rushing forward. People tend to experience this phenomenon when they are trying to fall asleep. Until we allow ourselves to truly feel the emotions that we have pushed down, they stay within us until we are forced to process them. Some people may even develop psychosomatic illnesses from the stress that these unprocessed emotions bring. Our work will be to stop, breath, feel the emotion and let it move through you.

5. Safe Space for Expression

Sometimes we just need someone to talk to. A counselling session provides a confidential and safe environment where you can express your thoughts and feelings without judgment, which in itself can be therapeutic. We are rarely in spaces or relationships where we can fully express ourselves. This is because most of our relationships are meant to be a back and forth. There is a natural back and forth which is part of healthy relationships with friends and family. Your relationship with your therapist may be one of the only spaces where it is all about you. It is your session, your space and we will explored deeply into how your feeling. As well, what your feeling is intelligent. Your emotions are there to pass on information to you and your counselling session is the place to finally get that information.

6. Improving Self-Esteem

Anxiety often takes a toll on one’s self-esteem. Through counselling, you can work on improving your self-image and in turn, reduce the social or performance anxiety you may experience. When we experience anxiety, we are on a constant look out for problems. The vigilance can turn inwards and we start pointing out all our own faults. Part of counselling is understanding that your weaknesses are actually intelligent responses and that through the release of negative self-beliefs, we can turn compassion on for ourselves.

7. Learning Relaxation Techniques

Counsellors often teach relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery. These can be powerful tools in the fight against anxiety, helping to calm the mind and relax the body. In counselling, we can help you develop healthy habits that increase relaxation and decrease stress. This could be about the importance of sleep hygiene, what to do when you catch yourself in an anxiety spiral or how to be in the present moment.

8. Improving Communication Skills

Poor communication can exacerbate anxiety, especially in social or work settings. Learning how to assert yourself and express your needs clearly can reduce misunderstandings and contribute to lower anxiety levels. When you are able to learn more about yourself, and validate your own feelings, you will start to see others in the same light. You will be able to develop compassion for the scared child within them and wonder what cognitive distortions or self-defeating beliefs they may hold.

9. Setting Achievable Goals

Counsellors can help you set small, achievable goals that can build your confidence over time. Meeting these milestones can help you gain a sense of control, thereby reducing feelings of helplessness that often accompany anxiety. Counselling is both active and inactive work. We spend a lot of time talking! However, when we fully understand ourselves and our emotions, when we can detail it explicitly, these problems become actionable and solvable. However, until we fully understand the problem, we cannot tackle it. That is why most our work will be in understanding why we do the things we do.

10. Long-term Improvement

Counselling can offer long-term strategies for managing your anxiety. With ongoing support and practice, many people find that they’re able to manage their symptoms more effectively over the long haul. Anxiety is treatable and the majority of people do overcome it, even if you’ve experienced it for a long time.

Remember, it's always crucial to consult healthcare professionals for a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. With the right help, managing anxiety is possible, and counselling can be a valuable part of that journey.


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